Taiwan Trademark Act Enforcement Rules of
Taiwan Trademark Act
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Chapter 2 Trademark Application
Chapter 3 Examination and Approval
Chapter 4 Trademark Rights
Chapter 5 Opposition
Chapter 6 Invalidation and Revocation
Chapter 7 Remedies for Right Infringement
Chapter 8 Certification Marks, Collective Membership Marks and Collective Trademarks
Chapter 9 PENALTY
Chapter 10 Supplementary Provisions
Article 1~10
Article 11~ 20
Article 21~30
Article 31~41
Table of Classification of
Goods and Services

Article 11~20

Article 11
In applying for a three-dimensional trademark registration, the applicant shall submit an application containing an indication stating to that effect, a drawing of the trademark in three-dimensional form and a description of the trademark.
To present the exact image of the three-dimensional shape of the trademark, the applicant may submit at the same time, a maximum of five additional perspective drawings or samples in different views but with the same scales. The Registrar Office, when deems necessary, may also request the applicant to submit such materials.
If the "three-dimensional shape" specified under the preceding two paragraphs includes some portion for which rights have not been claimed, the portion claimed for rights shall be depicted in solid lines, while the portion not claimed for rights shall be depicted in dotted lines with a disclaimer of the right to exclusive use of that portion.

Article 12
"A visually perceptible representation" specified in the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the Act refers to a representation, using words, devices, symbols, colors, or a combination of them to express a trademark, so that consumers with common knowledge and experience can visually recognize such representation.
Article 13
In applying for a trademark registration, the applicant shall designate the class(es) of goods or services in the order listed in the Table of Classification of Goods and Services (please see the Schedule for details), and shall specifically list the names of goods or services.
For a trademark registered prior to the amendment to the Table of Classification of Goods and Services, the class of goods or services for which the trademark is designated shall be those as registered. For a trademark that has not been registered, the class of goods or services for which the trademark is designated shall be those as designated at the time of filing.
Article 14
When an agreement between/among applicants is required under the provisions of Article 18 of the Act, the Registrar Office shall notify all applicants involved to reach such an agreement within a reasonable specified time. In the case where no agreement is reached within the time limit, the Registrar Office shall notify all applicants involved to appear on a designated date and at a designated place to have the matter resolved by drawing lots.
Article 15
In applying to change the particulars of a trademark application or the particulars of a trademark registration, the applicant shall submit a request with proof of change attached.
Article 16
The term, "well-known," specified in the Act refers to a mark, which, with sufficient evidence to prove, has been commonly recognized by the relevant enterprises or consumers.
Article 17
The expression, "the name of a juristic person, entity or other group," specified in Item (16), paragraph 1 of Article 23 of the Act, refers to the specific part thereof.
Article 18
The applicant of a trademark application, who claims the application of paragraph 4 of Article 23 of the Act, shall submit relevant evidence.
Article 19
In applying for renewal of the term of trademark rights, the applicant shall submit a request specifying all or part of the goods or services designated for the trademark sought to be renewed.

Article 20

A request for reduction of the items of the goods or services designated for a trademark application prior to the rejection/approval of the trademark shall not affect the filing date of the trademark application.